Partnership Projects
Remodeling of the church backyard and Outreach events for youth and children
28.11.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Evangelism / Community Service Projects / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentChildren need a place where they can simply play a ball and communicate with each other. Why it could not be our church backyard? Youth need the place outside the building because inside there are no places for some activities.
English Day Camp and Fixing up the Church yard
28.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Evangelism / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentThrough the lessons and activities of English camp, build relationships with the kids and share the gospel with them. We would want to fix up the church yard so that those who come would have a pleasant and safe experience as people enter the church.
Orphan Ministry Start in Latvia
25.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Community Service ProjectsProject purpose is to start orphan ministry in Latvia in totally different level. Our goal is to envision the churches to understand the plight of Latvian orphans and their responsibility to get involved in resolving this social problem.
Coordinator of youth/teen missional work
23.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Church PlantingTo continue work with teens after camps, to coordinate different meetings, trips and developing relationships with them, we need a coordinator of youth/teen missional work.
Neighborhood BBQ to Reach Unchurched People
02.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Evangelism / Community Service ProjectsEvery year we try to make a larger neighborhood BBQ with the purpose to reach out to new people and establish new relationships. The goal is to show them that the Gospel isn’t just for “people in church” but that His love can also be very practical.
Renovation of the Second Floor of the Church Building
01.10.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentOur plan is in the near future is to completely renovate the second floor of the church building. This would help expand the church’s work with children and youth as well as continue to develop relationship between the city’s inhabitants.
Summer camp for children and youth
28.06.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / EvangelismBy implementing this project, we would be able to address non-Christian youth and established relationships with them. They would be involved in church activities, like youth events, that would promote their interest in Go
Repair work of church’s kitchen and dining space and Summer camp for families
28.06.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Evangelism / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentThrough the work and the camp could have the opportunity to have fellowship with the villagers, and the repaired space would make the church more available and more attractive for the villagers to come to the services where they can hear the gospel.
Summer Vacation Bible school
10.05.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / EvangelismIt will serve as an evangelical event to the locals. If a team from United States would join us, it would be a completely new experience because of cultural and language differences that would be a great adventure for everybody.
Setting Up Soccer and Sports Field
09.03.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Youth Ministry / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentOur dream is Soccer & Sports field in the church yard for the needs of local children and youth. We hope that will help us in reaching the local children, and also their parents through them.
Camp and Day Center for Families with Children with Special Needs
02.03.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Community Service ProjectsThe aim of the project is to reduce social isolation of families with special need children and improve their social skills by witnessing to them and practically reflecting the love of Jesus
Kid's Playground at Camp GANIBAS
02.03.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Campsite DevelopmentCamp GANIBAS is a campground for different Christian camps, retreats, seminars. Every summer hundreds of kids and families spend time there for retreats, education, discipleship and evangelism.
Social Projects to Help People From the Low-income Families
24.02.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Community Service ProjectsIn summer time June to August children are free from school so there is a great possibility to organize camps, Bible schools, events and picnics for them and their families.
Renovation and Remodeling Rooms for Sunday School
22.02.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentAt the moment we don’t have the ministry for children, so our biggest need right now is Renovation and Remodeling Rooms for Sunday School.
Missionary Couple Helping to Reach Out New Families
18.02.2015 / Children and Family Ministry / EvangelismAt the moment, we desire to reach new families, because there are not a lot of them in the church. Our dream is to see new families involved in the church, baptism, church renewal.