Neighborhood BBQ to Reach Unchurched People
Added: 02.10.2016

Neighborhood BBQ to reach unchurched people
By Riga Baptist “Seminary” church & “Mājvieta” missional community
About us:
We are a church that consists of several missional communities that focus on Discipleship, servant hood and living out our gospel identity on a daily basis. We aim primarily is to reach unchurched people.
We are located in downtown Riga. There are about 700.000 people living in the city and most of them are very secular and don’t attend church regularly. Riga is a fast growing vibrant city with lots of creative young people who are trying to transform the society from the Soviet era mindset with new ideas and expressions of originality.
Church outreach/mission goals and strategy
Primarily the church focuses on three identities: family, missionaries, servants.
We live as God’s family, believing that we are His missionaries right where we live and also are called to a life of a servant. We build relationships with people around us and later invite them to hear the Good News of Jesus.
The project
Neighborhood BBQ to reach unchurched people
Every year we try to make a larger neighborhood BBQ with the purpose to reach out to new people and establish new relationships. Through that we try to make follow up parties (movie nights, game nights etc.) to get to know the people better. The goal is to show them that the Gospel isn’t just for “people in church” but that His love can also be very practical and enjoyable. The ultimate goal of course is for them to hear the Gospel at one of our “Story of God” sessions or through private conversations.
Planned, desired time for implementing this project
Usually it is a one day event, but it might be a weekend project this year. The dates could be close to the end of August (more kids return to city)
It would be great to have 8-15 people.
Roles/tasks of collaboration partner team
Workshop overseers, cooks, kids zone overseers, caterers, “muscle-work”, drivers, being open to conversations with people.
Expected budget for the project
The total would be around 1000$ (one event) depending on the number of people (usually around 150-200 people). Main expenses: food, musicians, workshops, kids zone, flyers and posters, transportation.
Person(s) responsible for implementing the project
Tomass Šulcs, event organizer, leader,