Remodeling of the church backyard and Outreach events for youth and children
Added: 28.11.2016
Remodeling of the church backyard
Outreach events for youth and children
By Jaunjelgava’s Baptist church
Our church is 137 years old. We are multi- national church that’s mean Latvian, Russian speaking people. We have Youth ministry, Sunday school ministry, developing worship ministry.
There are approximately 3000 people living in Jaunjelgava. Most of the people are Latvian speaking people. Town has several factories, but most young adults works outside Jaunjelgava. Town is located near the biggest Latvia’s river Daugava and have a beautiful walking promenade along it. Our town infrastructure is renewed. Our roads have been fixed, our famous park is now arranged. Town’s municipality is open- minded to our church, therefore we were in many ways to help people around by clothes and foods. Jaunjelgava has a modern school with christian minded principal. Jaunjelgava is classified as district city and this district has 5 another villages.
Church outreach/mission goals and strategy
At this moment our mission is to have outreach to these 5 villages around this town. May be at summer make one children camp for each villages. So that further we can make contacts with their parents and make at least one home group.
There are many young couples in this city, so we are going to organize some marriage seminars.
Children are invited to summer camp and some other summer activities.
Town infrastructure is advanced, many houses needs quick renewal because of their age, especially our church members houses.
We can organize sports camps, VBS, improve church area, organize English camps.
Remodeling of the church backyard
Outreach events for youth and children
Children need a place where they can simply play a ball and communicate with each other. Why it could not be our church backyard? Youth who is coming to youth services need the place outside the building because inside there are no places for some activities.
Purpose of the project, planned outcomes
Build the place where every family member could feel welcomed and comfortable. Church should become as their second home and place where families, youth and others want to come back.
Tasks, stages, steps that have to be taken in order to realize this project
We need human resources to arrange environment.
Mentors to teach things what we don’t know how to do ourselves,
People who love to entertain and to play with kids and youth
Musicians who teach kids some interesting ways how to enjoy music and worship God
Planned, desired time for implementing this project
It may start in June, when outside temperature is higher than during spring or autumn. There is bigger possibility to organize some youth help because of summer holidays.
Number of colaboration team would be necessary for implementing this project
10 – 12 people
Person(s) responsible for implementing the project from your church:
+371 26392027 Pastor Maris Vitols; e-mail:
Latvia, Jaunjelgava, Ratuzu street 1, LV-5134