Orphan Ministry Start in Latvia
Added: 25.10.2016
Project purpose is to start orphan ministry in Latvia in totally different level. Our goal is to envision the churches to understand the plight of Latvian orphans and their resposibility to get involved in resolving this social problem throught:
1. Organizing Orphan Sunday event on first Sunday of November every year.
2. Providing regular seminars (15 in one year; ~30 total) in churches in collaboration with local authorities about:
Level 1 - different ways of orphan care and how individual Christians and churches could get involved.
Level 2 – how to become guest family and what does it mean.
Level 3 – adoption (leagal side, practical experience, support groups etc.).
3. Providing regular training and networking to churches who have decided to get involved in orphan ministry by serving in orphanages.
4. Changing legislation that still permits children under three years old to end up in orphanages.
5. Providing church based specialized foster families for infants/todlers who have been taken out of their families.
6. Organizing church based support groups for foster families and adopters.
7. To provide church based mentoring program for orphanage graduates by providing mentors.
8. Organizing summer camps for orphanage children.
9. Building sustainable orphan ministry that is funded by local churches and individual people in Latvia.
2 years
Salaries - $ 33 100 (for 2 part time workers with salary 0/per month)
Seminars - $ 900
Web page, database - $ 700
Posters, flyers, infograms - $ 1800
Other expencies - $ 1000
Total - $ 37 500
Support from individuals - $ 8000
Support from churches - $ 3000
Project support - $ 26 500
Total - $ 37 500
o Funding of $ 26 500.
o Experts from the US training interested church memebers about the Biblical mandate to serve orphans as well as explaining traumatic behavior, and what is the best way to help.
o Teams from the US for summer orphan camps.