Renovation of the Second Floor of the Church Building
Added: 01.10.2016

Renovation of the Second Floor of the Church Building
By Grobina Baptist Church
About us
Grobiņa Baptist Church consists of 84 members. Around 30% are actively involved in to the ministry. We are in a process of building a team leadership and developing our vision for the Grobina community.
We want to be open with municipality for further cooperation. So far we had very good cooperation with them. They have been open to support our youth outreach program named Fusion. Youth with no Christian background are getting introduced with Jesus, how to pray, and how to read the Bible, and how to apply it. Fusion is music plus Bible learning. We have youth ministry named Reconnect.
Leaders are training younger leaders in attempt to rise a culture or movement of passing on leadership heritage to a beginner. They are expecting more serious level of commitment of those who are involved.
We have Sunday school every Sunday around 20 children.
Our Church cafeteria ministry has a purpose to make a time and space for young families and everyone who wants to come together after church service in order to build relationships at the table to find out needs and build relationships and solve other problems.
I see that by the grace of God we have definitely influenced many people in the area, but we are experiencing people leave from the area to more developed places. We are glad that we can do ministry for His Kingdom.
The property of the church is situated in the center of the city of Grobina. Four years ago, the church stopped using the second floor of the floor due to its poor condition.
By means of EU funding, we were able to renovate two rooms, bathroom and corridor on the first floor. We have used these rooms for various purposes: Sunday school, youth work, Montessori classes children and other meetings (board meetings, Bible studies, etc…)
Moreover we were able to obtain funding in order to landscape and pave the church’s yard and parking space. It is now used for various activities of the church and community.
Renovation of the Second Floor of the Church Building
Our plan is in the near future is to completely renovate the second floor of the church building. This would help expand the church’s work with children and youth as well as continue to develop relationship between the city’s inhabitants and the church through meeting needs of the community and showing the love of Christ. The reconstruction of the second floor would include tearing out walls, insulating and putting up drywall, replacing the electric, etc…
The new rooms would be used for the following needs:
1. Sunday school
2. Youth work
3. Music studio both for the church and for the community (in order to develop relationships)
4. Daycare (again to provide a service for the needs of the community)
5. Montessori learning
6. Seminars for the church and for the community
7. Two rooms which would be used regularly by visiting missionaries, guests and trainees
The need
At this stage, it appears that around 70,000 to 95,000 USD would be necessary in order to completely renovate the second floor of the church. However, we wouldn’t know the exact number until after a complete technical estimate is done.
The greatest portion – 70 % would come from obtaining European Union funding.
About 3% the church could supply.
We would try to obtain 5% more from the local community (municipality).
The remaining 22% could be supplied by other supporters.
Below is a rough outline of what is needed in order to accomplish this project.
1. A technical evaluation
2. A complete plan for the reconstruction of the second floor taking into consideration what is possible and what are the needs of the church
3. Two applications (for the two phases of the project) to the European Union in order to obtain funds for the renovations
4. After the confirmation of the funds from the EU, obtain estimates from various construction companies
5. Start and complete the renovation project
We estimate that this would take up to two years to accomplish this project.
The Grobina Baptist church desires to work together with your Union in order to accomplish this project. We would also like to develop a relationship with church(s) in the Union for mutual encouragement and the possibility to ministry and be a blessing to one another in each country.
We would love to host some representatives from your church in order to get better acquainted, to share about our community, the work of the church, and the planned projects as well as to find ways to work together in the future.
Responsible for the projects
Pastor of the Grobiņa Baptist church
Haralds Bartkevics
Head of the Grobina Baptist church’s board
Oskars Spichops