Summer Vacation Bible school
Added: 10.05.2016

By Ligatne baptist church
About us
We are small church that was founded already in 1881. But during the World Wars we were not active. We resumed our church in 1992.
Together we are approximately 30 people in our church. Besides adults, we have around 10 children. The half of us is actively involved in ministry, opened to new opportunities God has in mind for us. If we would want to characterize our church in one word, it would be – FAMILY. We regularly meet on Mondays for prayer evenings, on Thursdays for Bible studies. On Sundays we have worship service with beautiful worship and Sunday school. We also like to support others. We regularly donate to other Christian organizations, we support mission trips. Many of our church members serve in Christian camps. We are opened to spiritual growth. We are small, but with God’s help, we are able to do big things. And we want to do more for God.
About demographics of location of the church
Church is located in district of Ligatane, which is divided in two parts – Ligatnes city(1100 inhabitants) and Ligatnes district (2600 inhabitants). Many people in this district are not well situated. Many are struggling with alcohol addiction; many are without a job. But those who work mainly have their jobs in nearby cities or in Riga. We have many children in our district. New families come to live in Ligatne, because it is less expensive than in other cities.
Church outreach goals and strategy
- To bring gospel to non-believers.
We organize a beautiful Christmas concert, seminars for women, where we invite non-believers and every year we organize Midsummer event “Citi Jāņi”. We are also supporting children from our district by paying tuitions for the possibility for them to be in the Christian camps.
- To continuously grow spiritually.
We do it by attending Bible studies, prayer evenings. And there is very important part – every Sunday there is a time for testimonies, and it is such a blessing to hear how God works in the lives of people.
Summer Vacation Bible School for children
We want that new people would come to our church. Church needs to be more recognizable. And we want to change people’s opinion about thinking that we are a sect.
If we will accomplish this project, church will become more recognizable. People will have a chance to meet as face to face and hopefully they will change their minds and understand that we are not a sect. We will show people, that we are available, and more – we want to invest in spiritual development of our district.
Summer Vacation Bible School for children will serve as an evangelical event to the locals. In summer time children are wondering around with nothing meaningful to do, so we want to give them a chance to take part in such a great event. And more, if a team from United States would join us, it would be a completely new experience because of cultural and language would be a completely new experience because of cultural and language differences, that would be a great adventure for everybody. We would be happy that in the end we would have at least 10 new kids in our Sunday school. And we also want to become friends with their parents and hopefully they would also want to come to our church.
Tasks, stages, steps that have to be taken in order to realize this project
1. We have to make a team of people who will serve in this event. (10 people from church are already ready.)
2. The program is already written. It has been made in USA and is already translated it in Latvian.
3. We have to find a place, where to organize it, so it would be somewhere in the center and available to everybody. We could ask our local government to give us premise in school, kindergarten or other place.
4. Then we have to advertise this event with posters, flyers, putting info in local newspaper and homepage.
5. We have to buy everything what is necessary to make this Summer Vacation Bible school could happen.
6. We have to find a place that will provide us with everyday meals.
7. We have to organize regular meetings, so we can get everything ready for this event.
The resources needed to use in implementing this project
About 10 people from church are ready to serve in this event. We will provide place where to meet and get everything necessary done for the Bible school. We are ready to invest 500 EUR to this project.
The collaboration team
There would be 6 – 10 people from collaboration team who would be necessary for implementing this project:
- To help with preparation work right before Summer Vacation Bible school starts
- To lead activities with children
Expected budget for the project
Main disbursement categories:
1. Materials for activities – 400 eur
2. Donation for Ropaži baptist church for letting us use their material. It is not obligatory, but we want to thank them.) 50 eur
3. Advertising – 100 eur
4. Rent of a premise – 150 eur
5. Cost of daily meals – 300 eur
6. Fuel cost for car, which will be used to pick up everything what is needed – 50 eur
7. Other unknown expenses – 50 eur
TOTAL: 1100 eur
Līgatnes Baptist church – 500 eur
Needed: 600 eur
Responsible for this project
Kitija Rijniece, e-mail –, + 371 26310541
Our address:
“Ceriņi” 1, Līgatnes pagasts, Līgatnes novads, LV-4108, Latvia, 37126310541