Coordinator of youth/teen missional work
Added: 23.10.2016
Coordinator of youth and teen missional work
By Church plant in Ropazi
About us
In the core of our church plant there are 3 families. For 6 years now we have been doing missional and evangelism work. Our core values are Bible, family and active lifestyle. Over the past few years our church has developed its main ministry directions, which you can see under the 5th question about our strategy.
Ropaži is located about 30 km from Riga. In Ropaži district there are a few villages, for example, Tumšupe, Zaķumuiža, Silakrogs, etc. About 2000 people live in Ropaži, but all together in Ropaži district – about 7000. Most of the people travel to work in Riga. Although there are some who work in local schools, malls, municipality, nursing home or agriculture.
Church outreach/mission goals and strategy
Targer audience: New families with young children and teenagers
Aim: To build relationships with young families and to proclaim the Gospel through talks, camps and different events.
- To organize Vacation Bible School for children ages 6 to 11.
- To teach Christian doctrine in the local school
- Organize floorball sports team for man ages 9 to 15.
- To organize a camp for teenagers
- Organizing a Family celebration in Ropaži district
- Giving social support to needy families.
- Leading services and organizing Bible studies for the adults.
Coordinator of youth/teen missional work
Project description
To continue work with teens after camps, to coordinate different meetings, trips and developing relationships with them, we need a coordinator of youth/teen missional work. To seek financial support for the coordinator of youth work, so he would be able to continue the work with teens after camps.
Purpose of the project, planned outcomes
1. We could continue making relationships with the teens we already know. Giving them a chance to know more about a relationship with God.
2. Deciple and teach them to be good new leaders.
3. If we were able to make this project happen, it would be like a bridge to the parents of these teens.
Person(s) responsible for implementing the project
Mārtiņš Svitka, Leader of the sports ministry,
Ketrina Ieviņa, Leader of the childrens ministry, camp leader,
Ropažu novads, Villasmuiža, Jasmīni – 6, LV-2135
Phone nr.0037126805400
WEB page about our Vacation Bible School: