Partnership Projects

Mission Events
24.02.2016 / Youth Ministry / EvangelismTo reach people and connect with them is important to organize different mission projects. For example, open air neighborhood picnics, Bible day camps for kids, sport events for kids, camp for men and women.

Social Projects to Help People From the Low-income Families
24.02.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Community Service ProjectsIn summer time June to August children are free from school so there is a great possibility to organize camps, Bible schools, events and picnics for them and their families.

Renovation and Remodeling Rooms for Sunday School
22.02.2016 / Children and Family Ministry / Construction and Infrastructure DevelopmentAt the moment we don’t have the ministry for children, so our biggest need right now is Renovation and Remodeling Rooms for Sunday School.

Reaching the Outcasts in the Society
18.02.2016 / Community Service ProjectsThe need is helping the homeless, reaching the outcasts in the society by testifying of Jesus Christ and building personal relationships, helping the people to see the meaning in their lives.

Missionary Couple Helping to Reach Out New Families
18.02.2015 / Children and Family Ministry / EvangelismAt the moment, we desire to reach new families, because there are not a lot of them in the church. Our dream is to see new families involved in the church, baptism, church renewal.