The Midsummer Youth Festival
Added: 08.03.2016

The Midsummer Youth Festival
By the Youth department of Latvian Baptist Union
The work of youth department of Latvian Baptist union was renewed only couple of years ago. Currently there is a relatively small group of volunteers that organize the work for of the youth department mainly in form of different events.
The youth department's targeted age group is from 13 to 25, which is also an official age definition for youth in Latvia. There are nearly 300 000 youth that age in Latvia, half of them live in the capital city. There are only a little over 20 youth ministries in 90 Baptist churches in Latvia. Most of the youth ministries are lead by youth themselves and only few of those are somewhat paid/supported positions.
Mission goals and strategy
Vision: We want to see youth ministries that are able to multiply, that are Christocentric and Missional in all the Latvian Baptist churches and also in the largest cities in Latvia.
1. To encourage and strengthen existing youth ministries and their leaders
2. To promote unity amongst youth between churches and cultivate deeper understanding about youth ministry for pastors and other church members.
3. To train and equip youth leaders and youth ministry teams.
4. To encourage the establishment of youth ministries in the churches and cities where there is not yet a youth ministry.
The Midsummer Youth Festival
Description of project
Midsummer is a big nation wide celebration in Latvia where people grill meat, eat cheese and drink a lot of beer. Historically Baptists have used this time of the year to gather together as big religious gatherings were illegal during soviet reign. We want to create an event where Christian youth can gather and experience unity and a place where they can be encouraged. We also want to create an environment where it would we easy and "cool" to invite one's non-believing friends. This midsummer festival keeps youth from places where they could be exposed to excessive use of alcohol and other destructive behavior.
Purpose of the project
As a result of this event there will be more equipped and encouraged youth, who will be getting to know each other and working together after the project and less youth engaged in destructive behavior during that weekend of the year.
Planned, desired time for implementing this project
Midsummer in Latvia is always on the 23rd of June.
The festival "Lielie Jāņi" will be organized from 23rd to 25th of June.
How many people on collaboration team would be necessary for implementing this project
5 to 15 people
Roles/tasks of collaboration partner team
• Leading sporting games/being referees
• Activities and crafts for children
• Helping and leading workshops/lectures
• Practical help
Expected budget for the project
Total cost 4000 EUR
• Camp site (including electricity, etc.) 750 EUR
• Big tent and stage 450 EUR
• Food 500 EUR
• Sound equipment rent 600 EUR
• Fuel 500 EUR
• Program expenses (Bouncing castle, sports and prizes, etc.) 700 EUR
• Other expenses (Posters, administration, etc.) 500 EUR
Responsible from the project
Lacplesa iela 37, Riga, LV1011, Latvia. Youth department leader - Karlis Karklins, +37126010093,,