Improvement of Living Conditions of People
Added: 02.03.2016

By Uguni Baptist church
About us
Our church is located nearby the Baltic Sea. The nearest biggest town is Talsi. Before the Second World War Uguni Baptist church was one of the biggest churches in the baptist union in Latvia, but during and after the war the number of the church members got smaller and at present it is one of the smallest baptist churches among baptist churches in Latvia.
Uguni is a part of Vandzene municipality. The population of Vandzene is about 1800. In the centre of Vandzene live about 700-800 people.
Uguni Baptist church is a small congregation, which, despite the little number of church members, is trying to impact the local community by showing God’s love. We truly believe that God is the One who builds His church and only through faithful obedience and by walking in His strength we can see how lives of many people are changed. We believe Christ can change people’s lives
Church outreach/mission goals and strategy
Our church mission is:
- Go to the people
- To be with the people
- To see their needs and struggles
- Make disciples who make disciples
In the summer of 2013 the leaders of Uguni Baptist church changed. The preacher of The Union of Baptist churches in Latvia, a graduate of Baltic Pastoral Institute Kaspars Maķevics started his service in this church. Considering all the situation, we understood that it could not be continued as it was before and there was a great need to change the way of ministry and strategy. Approachable goals had to be set.
Spending time in prayers, we understood that we had to try to build relationships with the people in Vandzene – a place with the biggest activity. In Uguņi there is a church (a building), but that is not the main goal. The main goal is to proclaim the news of salvation to the people who are lost.
Uguni Baptist church accepted God’s calling and mission to start a congregation in Vandzene where there has not been any congregation before. A congregation which is not just a church on Sundays, but is a place where people come together during the week and receive some practical help and support. There are big social needs.
The long-term plan is to create a stable Vandzene Baptist church and the branch of which would be Uguni Baptist church. On the basis of the present situation that Vandzene is the centre of the local municipality, there will be a necessity to build a church there.
The congregation has started its active collaboration with the local youth centre, the social deparment and also the culture centre.
By now there have been fulfilled several social projects that have allowed to get to know people closer and show God’s love to them through practical things.
In the summer of 2015 the so-called „wood project” was carried out when 9 families of Vandzene received wood as a gift from God. Wood is a great necessity for the families and they perceive it as a blessing. In the same way in collaboration with the social department other activities are taking place.
In 2015 the congregation set a short-term goal to strengthen the value of the family. Up to now every month we have organised some kind of activities for families where parents and their children can come and spend time together. It is very important. Some of the children have admitted that such events are the only time when once a month they go somewhere with their parents. Children really need that.
Because of the big poverty people are not able to improve the environment where they live. There are many old stoves which puff smoke when heated and that makes the walls black. And there are also families that cannot change the wallpapers and there has not been any repair work for the last 20 years or even longer. We are sure that the environment where a person lives is essential, that is why we as a church want to get involved in this work.
Description of project
As mentioned before, our church aims to be a part of the society which sees the church as God’s light in this world. The surrounding environment of the people has a great impact on their lives.
One of the biggest needs we see is an improvement of their living conditions. During the project it is planned to go to several people (especially families) and do some repair work at their homes within 3 days, eliminating room defects. It could be a living room or some kids’ bedroom. Mostly window replacement is needed – to stop cold air coming into the house. Putting up new wallpapers and painting doors and floor are important tasks as well. Make the place of living much brighter and more pleasant. Cooperating with the local social service, this project would be realized in Vandzene where a new church is being made. There will be many chances to talk to/with families about the value of the family; make conversations with parents and children, explaining what Bible teaches us about family. These new relationships will certainly help in building the church.
The living place around the people will be improved while accomplishing this project.
Purpose of the project
Our most important goal is to demonstrate the great love of Christ through this project. That means through these newly-formed relationships and communications the people could notice God. It is something new and special for the inhabitants of Vandzene, since a church has never been in this town. A developing and regular communication with families will be established, as it continues after „the wood project”. We will invite them to Bible studies, services and other events and activities.
We want to see people experiencing Christ in their own lives. Although their houses are getting rebuilt and becoming brighter, above all, that their souls could be made brighter with the Light of Christ and His love.
Tasks, stages, steps that have to be taken in order to realize this project
Families with the toughest needs will be identified together with the local social department. Some of the families then will be chosen according to specially made criteria (to participate in the project).
Schedules with estimated necessities and expenses for each family will be created together with the regional construction manager
But also any suitable time for your side will be considered.
How many people on collaboration team would be necessary for implementing this project
We plan to carry out repair work for 8 families. The time would be split into 3 days for each family. It is planned that 2 people from the USA and 1 Latvian will work in each place. So the team of 8 people would be necessary.
Roles/tasks of collaboration partner team
To do the required reconstruction in the living places of the families – hanging wallpapers, painting rooms. To make conversations with people. To prepare a sermon in our church service. To join a fellowship event with the families that participated in this project.
Expected budget for the project
Planned repair work expenses for a family: 600 EUR*8= 4 800
Fuel – 200 EUR
Hotel in Vandzene ((20 EUR for a person) – 10 days) – 200 EUR
Eating ((20 EUR for a person) – 10 days) – 200 EUR
Fellowship event for families (food e.t.c.) 150 EUR
TOTAL: 5 550euro
Person responsible for implementing the project
Kaspars Maķevics – telephone number: +371 22339440,